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Manaslu Vs Annapurna Circuit Trekking

Annapurna circuit trekking


Why do you need to choose Manaslu over Annapurna circuit trekking?

Manaslu circuit trekking also known as larkey pass trek is a best alternative of famous Annapurna circuit trekking. However, Manaslu and Annapurna trekking are close by each other.

Manaslu circuit trekking can be connected with other famous trails like Annapurna circuit, Tilicho lake, Mesokanta pass or Nar phu village trek.

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Now, are you wondering – Why do you need to do Manaslu circuit trekking now than later?

  1. Manaslu circuit trail lies close to the Nepal-China boarder that’s why – government of Nepal is developing road along the trekking trail. This is slowly modernizing the antique tradition and cultural aspect of the region.
  2. As a beautiful trekking trail – Manaslu is getting more publicity and hence it might get super crowded if you choose to trek later
  3. Global warming might change the beauty of Glacier moraine & Glacial lakes

Few more suggestion for Manaslu trek

11 days is enough to complete the Manaslu circuit trek but widely preferred itinerary for Manaslu circuit is 12 days. Acclimatization and side trips in the route has differed trekking duration.

It is best to start trekking from Gorakha side and exit at Manag for the best breakdown of altitude & acclimatize properly.

Similarities of Manaslu and Annapurna Trekking

These 2 trekking are circuit trekking. That means; both of these trekking starts at one point and ends at another point. Manaslu circuit trekking starts at Arughat or soti khola or machha khola and ends at Besisahar.

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Whereas the Annapurna circuit trekking trail starts at Besishar and finish at Pokhara or poonhill.

Poohill is famous exit point for Annapurna circuit trekking whereas Manaslu circuit trekking ends at the starting point of famous Annapurna circuit itself. Manaslu and Annapurna circuit meets circuit at Dharapani village.

Villages like bhimtang, Lho, samagaun and samdo are famous in Manaslu trekking trail. Similarly, there are very famous villages along the trekking trail of Annapurna circuit trekking. Villages like Manag, mustang, Muktinath, Chame, Pisang, Ngwal are famous for Annapurna circuit trekking trail.

In both of these trekings – glacial lakes are accessible even though neither of them has glacial lake on the side of trekking trail. For both trekking’s, trekkers has to allocate an excursion day or rest day or acclimatization day to visit these glacial lakes.

Gangapurna lake during Annapurna circuit trekking is visited during acclimatization rest at Manang village. And Birendra taal can be visited during the acclimatization hike to the Manaslu base camp in Manaslu circuit trekking.

    Interestingly, both of these villages, which are acclimatization hike for trekkers in the villages before the major pass. Major pass of Annapurna circuit is thorong la pass. Whereas the pass for Manaslu circuit trekking is Larkey La pass.

    Both of these high passes are above 5000 meters. Wondering which circuit trek has highest altitude, in comparison? Please read the differences below.

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    Differences between Thorong la pass and Larkey pass

    Manaslu circuit trekking is listed as a restricted trekking trail of Nepal. Whereas Annapurna circuit trek is regular trekking.

    Meaning of restricted trekking trail means – those trails where you can only trek with an organized trip from any of the trekking agencies registered in Nepal. These restricted trekking trails trekking permit is very high in comparison to the regular trekking trails trek permit.

    With above saying – Annapurna circuit needs regular trekking permit for Annapurna conservation area and TIMS card. But Manaslu circuit trekking trail needs special trekking permit. This special trekking permit for Manaslu circuit trekking is given by immigration of Nepal.

      So as to get special trekking permit for Manaslu circuit trekking – there needs to be 2 people in the group. Trekkers has to pay 10 USD per day special trekking permit fee. And the trekking permit request has to be done by trekking agency in Nepal. Trekking agency in Nepal needs to be a Nepal government, ministry of tourism – registered trekking agency. Most of the local trekking agencies in Nepal are registered in government of Nepal.

      Also, this trekking trail has different altitude. Highest you get during Manaslu circuit trekking is 5106 meters and for Annapurna circuit is 5416 meters above the sea level.

      Larkey pass of Manaslu circuit trek is higher than Thorong la pass of Annapurna circuit trekking trail.

      Conclusion for suggesting Annapurna circuit trek vs Manaslu circuit trekking

      As my experience trekking to both of these trails for enough time – I can recommend you Manslu circuit trekking.

      Manaslu trekking is superior to Annapurna circuit trekking route for many reason. The untouched landscape, closeness to the mountains, Manaslu base camp, antique villages in most of the trekking destination, glacial lake, easier pass than Annapurna circuit are some of the highlighted reason to justify Manaslu as better choice than Annapurna circuit.

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      Both of these trekking has more similarities and less differences – thus choosing one is tough. But the motor able road of Annapurna circuit easily makes many of us to choose Manaslu circuit trekking over Annapurna circuit trekking.

      Yes – road is one for the reason to justify the choice of Manaslu over Annapurna circuit. But also consider Manaslu as a restricted region as best reason to choose Manaslu over ApC.

      If you are still in confusion to choose Manaslu over ApC, even after reading all these – please feel free to drop you comparison parameter and we will get to your answer for the best choice you can do.

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